Alumni Connections Info

Hi, Stages Alumni! 

Remember all the wonderful show memories, the theater friends, and the connections created through A Magical Journey Thru Stages?

Please complete this quick 1 minute “Life After Stages” questionnaire, and tell us what you're up to!

We look forward to sharing your alumni story with a new generation of performers!  Thanks for being part of the Stages community!

First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Confirm Email *
Phone Number *
What year did you graduate from high school?
In college? Working? In any shows? Please share!
What is your most positive memory of Stages?
Please upload a recent photo of yourself!
Please upload another recent photo, or a short video about your favorite Stages memory or how your Stages experience has helped you in what you're doing now! (Please keep it clean, positive, and no more than 30 seconds.)
What's your Instagram profile/page address?
What's your Facebook profile/page address?
What's your YouTube profile/page address?
What's your TikTok profile/page address?
Thanks for being part of Stages and for sharing where you are today with us!
If you really do not want us to share the information outside of Stages, please check the box below.
Please do not share this info externally