Organizational Volunteer Application

Hello Stages Families! 

Many say A Magical Journey Thru Stages is unique among local youth theater programs in the way we provide a welcoming and supportive space for our students and their families

We have always welcomed families to volunteer for defined roles in individual shows. As the Greater Rochester area’s premier nonprofit youth theater organization*, Stages would not be the exciting learning and performing space it has been without the participation of student and parent volunteers.  

Now we are launching new efforts, as Stages continues to grow and develop, to further build community within our Stages family and match needs with interests and expertise. We hope to help Stages function more smoothly, engage volunteers to help our limited staff focus on their core responsibilities, and build lasting connections between the families that participate in Stages programs.

The Stages Opportunities Guide is your trusty handbook to the many ways in which you can contribute. 

  1. We are expanding Organizational Roles that help Stages throughout the year
    Read through the guide.
    Complete this Organizational Role Volunteer Application.
  2. We welcome parents to help at shows in which their own children are not performing. This gives performers’ parents more time to see their own children’s shows in return for taking a role at another show – maybe one of yours!
    Complete an individual show volunteer application.

When you submit a volunteer application, we will do our best to assign you to your first choice. However, it may turn out that in reviewing your application, we discover that your talents and experience would benefit Stages in another capacity, and we might request that you consider another role.  

We hope and expect that every family will find a way to lend some time and expertise. Performing an Organizational Role is not a contractual obligation, but we expect and hope that you will embrace it and fulfill the role for as long as you can. If you feel you will not have time for an Organizational Role, please consider the many options to help with an individual show. And if you do take on an Organizational Role, you are welcome and encouraged to also volunteer for individual shows.

If you have any questions, contact us individually, by email at, or leave a message at Stages at (585) 935-7173.  


John Palomaki and Erica Silloway, Volunteer Committee Co-chairs

* A Magical Journey Thru Stages is one of the only New York State and IRS-recognized 501(c)(3) nonprofit year-round youth theater organizations in the Greater Rochester area, where the focus is on educational, high quality youth theater experiences for kids, not profit.