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Corporate Donor Levels
Stages Underwriter ($25,000+)
Be the magical supporter of youth theater in our community by underwriting Stages season and summer shows! Your name will be prominently displayed as “ABC Company” Youth Theater Season produced by Stages on our website and social media. Our recognition package includes your name on all ads, press releases, and the front cover of all season/show programs; full-page, full-color ad upon request or acknowledgement in the season and summer playbill programs and gala event program; outstanding recognition at our annual gala event; reserved seats for gala event; reserved box seating for four season shows upon request; and recognition on our Donor Wall.
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Executive Producer ($10,000+)
Be a top tier donor to support youth theater in our community! Our recognition package includes full-page, full-color ad upon request or acknowledgement in the season and summer playbill programs and gala event program; prominent recognition at our annual gala event; reserved seats for gala event; reserved box seating for three season shows upon request; and recognition on our Donor Wall.
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