Celebrate Stages 2024
$1,500 donation
Jamie Krug
$500 donation
Sara Falk
$100 donation
Samirah Gonzalez-Ortiz
$5 donation
Ellen Broder
$500 donation
George Uschold
$100 donation
Erica Silloway
$100 donation
Rossene Coia
$50 donation
Michael Moeller
$150 donation
Gail Klee
$50 donation
Sandra Turner
$50 donation
Roc City Circus
$500 donation
Dawn Thomson
$75 donation
Barbara Gorski
$100 donation
Rebecca Brawn
$100 donation
Steve Zwart
$500 donation
Joan Bickweat
$100 donation
Ted Forsyth
$1,000 donation
Heather Stadler
$150 donation
Kristen Wexler
$50 donation
Keith McCullough
$50 donation
Gregory Santoli
$300 donation
Alexandra Croll
$25 donation
Admiral Lord
$1,000 donation
Chris Gallea
$500 donation
Tina Zona
$40 donation
Becki Vincent
$100 donation
Steven Wexler
$50 donation
Pamella Baum
$20 donation
Kathleen Mazurek
$100 donation
Jennifer Serventi
$500 donation
Beth Gundy
$500 donation
Renée Fishner
$50 donation
$70 donation
Crystal Wood
$10 donation
Christa Miller
$1,000 donation
Debra and Steve Grodensky
$250 donation
Nicole Fantigrossi
$100 donation
Rita Metras
$50 donation
Lisa Guyon
$125 donation
Ann and Val Piotrowski
$100 donation
Aindrea Yockel
$100 donation
Jill Poremba
$500 donation
Heidi Szczepaniak
$200 donation
Noreen Hermans
$250 donation
$250 donation
Bruce Grogan
$100 donation
Amber Porpora
$250 donation
Michalene Kinsler
$500 donation
Bethany Marconi
$25 donation
Jessica Kilpatrick
$50 donation
Nicole Fitzgerald
$150 donation
Jaime Welch
$500 donation
Mark Bennett
$250 donation
Colleen Collier
$150 donation
Jessica Kleiner
$500 donation
Patricia Gallaher
$50 donation
Scott Belecz
$100 donation
Suzana Makowski
$100 donation
Beth Hogan
$100 donation
Lisa Moeller
$50 donation
Dawn Thomson
$75 donation
$300 donation
Parker Callister
$10 donation
Rachel Okeefe
$25 donation
Adam Olm-Shipman
$100 donation
Kristin Ragone
$25 donation
Laura Dunbar
$100 donation
Sara Penner
$100 donation
Merrie Franklin
$36 donation
Thuha Brown
$50 donation
Kathryn Birken
$100 donation
Masline Electronics, Inc.
$250 donation
Masline Electronics
$250 donation
John McCullough
$500 donation
Erica Silloway
$100 donation
Mart and Robert Lyubomirsky
$50 donation
Jodi Aman
$5,000 donation
Days Left: 0
Goal: $15000
Donor Levels
Stages Underwriter ($25,000+)

Be the magical supporter of youth theater in our community by underwriting Stages season and summer shows!  Your name will be prominently displayed as “ABC Company” Youth Theater Season produced by Stages on our website and social media. Our recognition package includes your name on all ads, press releases, and the front cover of all season/show programs; full-page, full-color ad upon request or acknowledgement in the season and summer playbill programs and gala event program; outstanding recognition at our annual gala event; reserved seats for gala event; reserved box seating for four season shows upon request; and recognition on our Donor Wall. 

Executive Producer ($10,000+)

Be a top tier donor to support youth theater in our community! Our recognition package includes full-page, full-color ad upon request or acknowledgement in the season and summer playbill programs and gala event program; prominent recognition at our annual gala event; reserved seats for gala event; reserved box seating for three season shows upon request; and recognition on our Donor Wall.

Producer ($5,000+)

Be a VIP supporter! Our recognition package includes full-page ad upon request or acknowledgement in the season and summer playbill programs and gala event program; prominent recognition at our annual gala event; reserved seats for gala event; reserved box seating for two season shows upon request; and recognition on our Donor Wall.

Director ($2,500+)

Be a Director-level sponsor! Our recognition package includes half-page ad upon request or acknowledgement in the season and summer playbill programs and gala event program; featured recognition at our annual gala event; reserved seats for gala event; reserved box seating for one season show upon request; and recognition on our Donor Wall.

Associate Director ($1,000+)

Be a producer donor! Our recognition package includes quarter-page ad upon request or acknowledgement in the season and summer playbill programs and gala event program; and recognition on our Donor Wall.

Leading Role ($500+)

Thank you for considering a donation at the Leading Role level! For your donation, you will receive recognition in Stages Season and Summer Playbills and gala event programs; and recognition on the Donor Wall.

Designer ($200+)

Thank you for considering a “Designer” donation of $200 or more! For your donation, you will receive recognition in Stages Season and Summer Playbills and gala event programs. 

Actor ($1+)

Thank you for your support!

This Fundraiser has ended!
Donor Wall
Jodi Aman
$5,000 donation
$1,500 donation
Admiral Lord
$1,000 donation
Ted Forsyth
$1,000 donation
Christa Miller
$1,000 donation
Beth Gundy
$500 donation